CS 5007: Introduction to Applications of Computer Science with Data Structures and Algorithms

Credits 3.0
This is an introductory graduate course teaching core computer science topics typically found in an undergraduate Computer Science curriculum, but at a graduate-level pace. It is primarily intended for students with little formal preparation in Computer Science to gain experience with fundamental Computer Science topics. After a review of programming concepts the focus of the course will be on data structures from the point of view of the operations performed upon the data and to apply analysis and design techniques to non-numeric algorithms that act on data structures. The data structures covered include lists, stacks, queues, trees and graphs. Projects will focus on the writing of programs to appropriately integrate data structures and algorithms for a variety of applications. This course may not be used to satisfy degree requirements for a B.S., M.S., or Ph.D. degree in Computer Science or a minor in Computer Science. It may satisfy the requirements for other degree programs at the discretion of the program review committee for the particular degree.

Experience with at least one high-level programming language such as obtained in an undergraduate programming course