This course is focused on significant programming projects and provides an overview of the principles of computer networks and a general-purpose operating system. The course provides the student with an understanding of the basic components of an operating system, including processes, synchronization and memory management. The course exposes students to the Internet protocol suite networking layers while providing an introduction into topics such as wireless networking and Internet traffic considerations. The objective is to focus on an understanding of fundamental concepts of operating systems and computer network architecture from a design and performance perspective.
Students will be expected to design and implement a variety of programming projects to gain an appreciation of the design of operating systems and network technologies. This course may not be used to satisfy degree requirements for a B.S., M.S., or Ph.D. degree in Computer Science or a minor in Computer Science. It may satisfy the requirements for other degree programs at the discretion of the program review committee for the particular degree.
Experience with at least one high-level programming language such as obtained in CS 5007.