This course covers analysis and synthesis of control laws for linear dynamical systems. Fundamental concepts including canonical representations, the state transition matrix, and the properties of controllability and observability will be discussed. The existence and synthesis of stabilizing feedback control laws using pole placement and linear quadratic optimal control will be discussed. The design of Luenberger observers and Kalman filters will be introduced. Examples pertaining to aerospace engineering, such as stability analysis and augmentation of longitudinal and lateral aircraft dynamics, will be considered. Assignments and term project (if any) will focus on the design, analysis, and implementation of linear control for current engineering problems. The use of MatlabĀ®/SimulinkĀ® for analysis and design will be emphasized.
Familiarity with ordinary differential equations, introductory control theory, fundamentals of linear algebra, and the analysis of signals and systems is recommended. Familiarity with MatlabĀ® is strongly recommended.