RBE 510: Multi-Robot Systems

Credits 2.0

This course covers the foundation and principles of multi-robot systems. The course will cover the development of the field and provide an overview on different control architectures (deliberative, reactive, behavior-based and hybrid control), control topologies, and system configurations (cellular automata, modular robotic systems, mobile sensor networks, swarms, heterogeneous systems). Topics may include, but are not limited to, multi-robot control and connectivity, path planning and localization, sensor fusion and robot informatics, task-level control, and robot software system design and implementation. These topics will be pursued through independent reading, class discussion, and a course project. The course will culminate in a group project focusing on a collaborative/cooperative multi-robot system. The project may be completed through simulation or hands-on experience with available robotic platforms. Groups will present their work and complete two professional-quality papers in IEEE format. Students cannot receive credit for this course if they have taken the Special Topics (ME 593S) version of the same course.


Linear algebra, differential equations, linear systems, controls, and mature programming skills, or consent of the instructor.