MPE 560: Experimental Methods in Physics

Credits 2.0

Hands-on methods of physically testing concepts and models of the universe. Technology is utilized but general methods accessible to barely outfitted lab environments are stressed. Topics covered are in a series of subject units, the physical principles underlying the phenomena to be observed and the basis for the measurement techniques employed is reviewed. Principles and uses of standard laboratory instruments (oscilloscopes, meters for frequency, time, electrical and other quantities, lock-in amplifiers, etc.) are stressed. In addition to systematic measurement procedures and data recording, strong emphasis is placed on processing of the data, preparation and interpretation of graphical presentations, and analysis of precision and accuracy, including determination and interpretation of best value, measures of error and uncertainty, linear best fit to data, and identification of systematic and random errors. Preparation of high-quality experiment reports is also emphasized. Representative experiment subjects are: mechanical motions and vibrations; free and driven electrical oscillations; electric fields and potential; magnetic materials and fields; electron beam dynamics; optics; diffractiongrating spectroscopy; radioactive decay and nuclear energy measurements.