M.S. in Science and Technology for Innovation in Global Development

Degree Type
Master of Science

Students pursuing the MS degree in Science and Technology for Innovation in Global Development must complete a minimum of 30 credits of relevant work at the graduate level. In some cases, students may enter the program if they have a related graduate certificate. Students may not retake courses they have already taken at WPI or elsewhere.

There are two project options satisfaction of the degree requirements. Students may take a three-credit Graduate Qualifying Project (GQP) or a six-credit MS thesis. Students will typically have a field experience no matter which track they choose. The MS degree with a GQP concentration can be completed in twelve months. The MS degree with the Thesis option will typically take one-and-a-half to two academic years. If a student seeks to add a language to their study, the program will take two years.

Upon acceptance to the MS Program, a student will be assigned to a team of academic advisors from different disciplines. In consultation with that committee the student must prepare a Plan of Study that outlines the pathway the student will take to meet the MS degree requirements.

Core Coursework Requirement (15 Credits)

A student in the Science, Technology, and Innovation for Global Development program must take the Design Boot Camp, which begins in mid-August each year.

Minimum Credits

Graduate Qualifying Project / MS Thesis (3 – 6 Credits)

Minimum Credits

Areas of Concentration (9-12 Credits)

A student in the Science and Technology for Innovation in Global Development program must take course work from the program electives below to satisfy the 30 required units for graduation. An elective may be any of these graduate-level courses and undergraduate courses as approved by the advisory committee and a department liaison. Students must have the prerequisite knowledge, if required, to take courses outside the program.

While design thinking for science and technology for innovation in global development is at the core of this degree requirement students may tailor their program to suit their professional needs. Course selection should provide a logical program of study. We expect that the elective courses will add depth in at least one concentration. The list of pre-approved courses follows. Other courses may be acceptable but will require approval from the advisory committee and the department liaison (when necessary).