Electrical and Computer Engineering
Faculty and Research Interests
D. R. Brown, Professor and Department Head; Ph.D., Cornell University. Signal processing, synchronization, control systems, inference, and wireless networks.
M. M. Asheghan, Assistant Teaching Professor, PhD. University of Carlos III, Madrid, Spain. Robust control, statistical shape analysis, complex networks' synchronization, chaotic systems, convex optimization, soft robotics, machine mearning.
S. V. Bhada, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., University of Alabama at Huntsville. Modeling and Analysis of Policy Content and Systems Engineering.
E. A. Clancy, Professor; Ph.D., MIT. Biomedical signal processing and modeling, biomedical instrumentation.
Y. Doroz, Assistant Teaching Professor; Ph.D., Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Blockchains and cryptocurrencies, post-quantum cryptography, fully homomorphic encryption schemes and applications, accelerating Cryptographic applications using hardware/software co-designs.
F. Ganji, Assistant Professor; Ph.D. Technical University of Berlin (Germany). Security, machine learning, cryptography, privacy-preserving AI.
U. Guler, Associate Professor, Ph.D., Bogozici University, Turkey. Smart Health Applications, Implantables and Wearables, Sensor Interfaces, Neural Interfaces, RF-Energy Harvesting, Wireless Power and Data Transfer, Power Management IC, Biomedical Security, and, Low Power Analog/Mixed Signal IC Design.
X. Huang, Professor; Ph.D., Virginia Tech. Autonomous vehicles; computer vision; machine learning; FPGA and VLSI design; internet of things.
B. Islam, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Machine Learning, especially Efficient and On-Device Deep Learning, Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing, Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet of Things, and Mobile Health
R. Ludwig, Professor and Associate Department Head; Ph.D., Colorado State University. Design of RF coils for magnetic resonance imaging; amplifier design; nondestructive material evaluation.
S. N. Makaroff, Professor; Ph.D., Dr. Sci, St. Petersburg State University (Russian Federation). Bioelectromagnetics, Electromagnetic therapeutic devices, Antennas and electromagnetic sensors. Human body CAD models.
J. A. McNeill, Professor and Dean of Engineering; Ph.D., Boston University. Analog IC design; high-speed imaging; mixed-signal circuit characterization.
K. Mus, Assistant Teaching Professor; Ph.D., Middle East Technical University, Turkey. Cybersecurity, post-quantum cryptography, fault attacks.
P. Schaumont, Professor; Ph.D., University of California at Los Angeles. Hardware security; reverse engineering; embedded systems; hardware-software codesign; digital IC design.
B. Sunar, Professor; Ph.D., Oregon State University . Cybersecurity; applied cryptography; high-speed computing.
S. Tajik, Assistant Professor; Ph.D., Technical University of Berlin, Germany. Non-invasive and semi-invasive side-channel analysis, Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs), machine learning, FPGA security, and designing anti-tamper mechanisms against physical attacks
B. Tang, Associate Professor, Ph.D., University of Rhode Island. Machine learning, signal and information processing, control systems, cyber-physical systems.
E. Uzunovic, Assistant Teaching Professor; Ph.D., University of Waterloo, Canada. High voltage, direct current power transmission, advanced power distribution, power electronics including smart inverters.
A. M. Wyglinski, Professor and Associate Dean of Graduate Studies; Ph.D., McGill University . Cognitive radio, 4G/5G/6G/Next-G, spectrum sensing and co-existence, machine learning-based data transmission techniques, GPS and satellite communications, connected and autonomous vehicles, software-defined radio prototyping and test-beds, millimeter wave transmission, rural broadband and the Digital Divide.
Z. Zhang, Assistant Professor; Ph.D., Oxford Brookes University, UK. Computer vision and machine learning, especially in object recognition/detection, data-efficient learning.
K. A. Clements, D. Cyganski, J. S. Demetry, F. J. Looft, J. A. Orr, P. C. Pedersen
Affiliated Faculty
E. Agu (CS), G. Fischer (ME), C Furlong (ME), W. R. Michalson (RBE), L. Ramdas Ram-Mohan (PH), J. Sullivan (ME)
Programs of Study
The Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department offers programs leading to M.Eng., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering, an M.Eng. degree in power systems engineering (PSE), as well as graduate and advanced certificates. The following general areas of specialization are available to help students structure their graduate courses: Cybersecurity and Privacy, Microelectronics, Power Systems Engineering, Signals, Systems, and Communications.
The M.S. ECE degree is designed to provide an individual with advanced knowledge in one or more electrical and computer engineering areas via successful completion of at least 21 credits of WPI ECE graduate courses (including M.S. thesis credit), combined with up to 9 credits of coursework from computer science, mathematics, physics and other engineering disciplines.
The M.Eng. ECE and M.Eng. PSE degrees are tailored for individuals seeking an industrial career path. Similar to the M.S. degree, the M.Eng. degree requires the successful completion of at least 21 credits of WPI ECE graduate courses (specific course requirements for the M.S. ECE and M.S. PSE degrees are discussed below). In contrast to the M.S. degree, the M.Eng. degree allows up to 9 credits on non-ECE courses to be chosen as management courses and does not include a thesis option.
Admission Requirements
Master’s Program
Students with a B.S. degree in electrical engineering or electrical and computer engineering may submit an application for admission to the Master’s program. There are three degree options in the Master’s program: An M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, an M.Eng. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, and an M.Eng. in Power Systems Engineering. Admission to the Master’s program will be based on a review of the application and associated references.
Applicants without a B.S. degree in electrical engineering or electrical and computer engineering, but who hold a B.S. degree in mathematics, computer engineering, physics or another engineering discipline, may also apply for admission to the Master’s program in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. If admitted, the applicant will be provided with required courses necessary to reach a background equivalent to the B.S. degree in electrical engineering or electrical and computer engineering, which will depend on the applicant’s specific background.
Applicants with the bachelor of technology or the bachelor of engineering technology degree must typically complete about 1-1/2 years of undergraduate study in electrical engineering before they can be admitted to the graduate program. If admitted, the applicant will be provided with required courses necessary to reach a background equivalent to the B.S. degree in electrical engineering or electrical and computer engineering, which will depend on the applicant’s specific background.
Ph.D. Program
Students with a Master’s degree in electrical and computer engineering may apply for the doctoral program of study. Admission to the Ph.D. program will be based on a review of the application and associated references. Students with a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical and computer engineering may also apply to the Ph.D. program. Students with a strong background in areas other than Electrical and Computer Engineering will also be considered for admission into the Ph.D. program. If admitted (based on review of the application and associated references), the applicant may be approved for direct admission to the Ph.D. program, or to an M.S.-Ph.D. program sequence. Applicants possessing and M.S. degree in electrical and computer engineering from WPI that have not been directly admitted to the Ph.D. program are still required to submit an application and associated references for consideration, with the exception of GRE scores, TOEFL scores, and the application fee.
Certificate Requirements
The ECE Department offers advanced certificate and graduate certificate programs. Please visit https://www.wpi.edu/academics/study/electrical-computer-engineering-certificates
Degree Requirements
There are three degree options within the Master’s program in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department: A Master of Engineering in Electrical and Computer Engineering (M.Eng. ECE), a Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering (M.S. ECE), and a Master of Engineering in Power Systems Engineering (M.Eng. PSE).
Program of Study
Each student must submit a program of study for approval by the student’s advisor, the ECE Department Graduate Program Committee and the ECE Department Head. To ensure that the Program of Study is acceptable, students should, in consultation with their advisor, submit it to the ECE Department Graduate Secretary prior to the end of the semester following admission into the graduate program. Students must obtain prior approval from the ECE Department Graduate Program Committee for the substitution of courses in other disciplines as part of their academic program.
All full-time students in the Master’s degree program (with the exception of B.S./M.S. students as noted below) are required to attend and pass the two graduate seminar courses, ECE 596A (fall semester) and ECE 596B (spring semester). See course listings for details.
Thesis Option
Students pursuing an M.S. ECE degree that are financially supported by the department in the form of teaching assistantship, research assistantship, or fellowship are required to complete a thesis. The thesis option is not available for students pursuing an M.Eng. ECE or M.Eng. PSE degree. M.S. thesis research involves 9 credit hours of work, registered under the designation ECE 599, normally spread over at least one academic year. For students completing the M.S. thesis as part of their degree requirements, a thesis committee will be set up during the first semester of thesis work. This committee will be selected by the student in consultation with the major advisor and will consist of the thesis advisor (who must be a full-time WPI ECE faculty member) and at least two other faculty members whose expertise will aid the student’s research program. An oral presentation before the Thesis Committee and a general audience is required. In addition, all WPI thesis regulations must be followed.
Non-Thesis Option
Although the thesis is optional for M.S. ECE students not financially supported by the department, and there is no thesis option available for M.Eng. ECE or M.Eng. PSE students, all M.Eng. and M.S. students are encouraged (but not required) to include a research component in their graduate program. A directed research project, registered under the designation ECE 598, provides an opportunity to conduct focused research under the direct supervision of an ECE faculty member. Credits received under the directed research designation (ECE 598) can be used to satisfy the M.Eng. ECE, M.Eng. PSE, and M.S. ECE degree requirements with a grade of C or better. Note that credit received under the thesis designation (ECE 599) may not be applied toward an M.Eng. ECE degree, M.Eng. PSE degree, or non-thesis M.S. ECE degree.
Transfer Credit
Students may petition to transfer a maximum of 15 graduate semester credits, with a grade of B or better, after they have enrolled in the degree program. This may be made up of a combination of up to 9 credits from the WPI ECE graduate courses taken prior to formal admission and up to 9 credits from other academic institutions. Transfer credit will not be allowed for undergraduate level courses taken at other institutions. In general, transfer credit will not be allowed for any WPI undergraduate courses used to fulfill undergraduate degree requirements; however note that there are exceptions in the case of students enrolled in the B.S./M.S. program.
Electrical and Computer Engineering Research Laboratories/Centers
Analog/Mixed Signal Microelectronics Laboratory
Prof. McNeill
The Analog and Mixed Signal Microelectronics Laboratory focuses on the continuation of research in self-calibrating analog to-digital converter architectures and low-jitter clock generation; funded by NSF, Allegro Microsystems, and Analog Devices. www.wpi.edu/+ECE
Bioelectromagnetics & Antenna Laboratory
Prof. Makaroff/Prof. Noetscher
The Laboratory develops modeling and hardware design of various electronic systems and devices for biomedical (diagnostic and therapeutic) and wireless applications.
Bringing Awareness through Systems for Human Lab (BASH Lab)
Prof. Islam
At the Bringing Awareness through Systems for Humans (BASH) Lab, we are dedicated to pioneering AI-driven sensing technologies and mobile systems to enhance health, behavioral health, and various other application domains. Our research emphasizes the development of efficient and robust deep learning techniques for on-device applications and sustainable computing solutions. We also focus on AI for ambiently powered devices. Through an interdisciplinary approach spanning machine learning, mobile computing, embedded systems, and ubiquitous computing, we aim to create innovative solutions that address complex challenges and improve the quality of life across multiple fields.
Embedded Computer Laboratory
Prof. Huang
The mission of the Embedded Computing Lab is to solve important problems of embedded computer systems, including theories, architectures, circuits, and systems. Our current research is focused on ASIC, FPGA and SoC design for signal processing, wireless communications, error correction coding, reconfigurable computing, and computing acceleration. Our research goal is to create new architectures and circuit designs to facilitate high-speed information processing at minimum power consumption.
Laboratory for Sensory and Physiologic Signal Processing – L(SP)2
Prof. Clancy
The mission of the Laboratory for Sensory and Physiologic Signal Processing L(SP)2 is to employ signal processing, mathematical modeling, and other electrical and computer engineering skills to study applications involving electromyography (EMG — the electrical activity of skeletal muscle). Researchers are improving the detection and interpretation of EMG for such uses as the control of powered prosthetic limbs, restoration of gait after stroke or traumatic brain injury, musculoskeletal modeling, and clinical/scientific assessment of neurologic function.
Center for Imaging and Sensing (CIS)
Prof. Ludwig
The lab has access to high-field and ultra high-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems for use in functional and anatomical imaging. Major research focuses on visualization of elastic vibrations in the female breast. A novel coil geometry was designed that proved more efficient at generating these strong gradients when compared with conventional coil technology. Research has resulted in the design of special-purpose radio frequency array coil systems for breast cancer diagnosis, bone density determination, and stroke. The lab has successfully tested its single-tuned and dual-tuned prototypes at various sites throughout the U.S. in clinical MRI systems.
Prof. U. Guler
The research program of ICAS Lab explores the designs of a range of biomedical devices from implantable devices to wearable devices that ensure device security, personal privacy, accurate bio-sensing, and reliable operation and proposes possible directions of study that tackle the fundamental challenges including; sustainable energy harvesting systems for continuous long-term health monitoring (how sustainable energy harvesting and its efficient storage and usage are possible for continuous long-term personal health monitoring), secure bio-implants and wearables ( how the security of all these sensors associated with smart healthcare will be assured in terms of maintaining proper functionality of devices and protecting private information), and wireless sensor Interfaces for medical and general purpose IoTs (how accurate and reliable sensing interfaces will be able to receive very low-amplitude signals coming from various environments, such as inside the body). https://icaslab.org/
Signal Processing and Information Networking Laboratory (SPINLab)
Prof. Brown
SPINLab was established in 2002 to investigate fundamental and applied problems in signal processing, communication systems, and networking. Our current focus is on the development of network carrier synchronization schemes to facilitate distributed beamforming and space-time coded cooperative transmission. We are also working on techniques for optimal resource allocation in multiuser communication systems and the application of game-theoretic tools to analyze selfish behavior in cooperative communication systems. SPINLab offers research opportunities at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. For more details, please see the SPINLab Web page at http://spinlab.wpi.edu.
Vernam Laboratory
Profs. Ganji, Schaumont, Sunar, Tajik, Martin (Mathematics), Mus
Computer chips bring unprecedented intelligence and support in every aspect of modern society including healthcare, intelligence, finance, transportation, and defense. Coupled with this convenience, these chips also bring unprecedented risk stemming from the sensitive information and their expected reliability. Vernam Lab addresses this risk by combining know-how from multiple relevant fields including hardware security, cryptography, and AI, to research and develop defenses and safeguards that minimize risk and mitigate threats to create a more secure and privacy-friendly future digitized world. https://vernamlab.org
Wireless Innovation Laboratory (WILab)
Prof. Wyglinski
The Wireless Innovation Laboratory (WILab) conducts fundamental and applied research in wireless communication systems engineering and vehicular technology . Consisting of approximately 1000 sq ft of prime research space as well as state-of-the-art software tool and experimentation equipment, this facility focuses on devising new real-world solutions and the creation of new knowledge in the areas of cognitive radio, rural broadband and the Digital Divide, connected and autonomous vehicles, software-defined radio, GPS and satellite communications, 4G/5G/6G/Next-G, spectrum sensing and co-existence, machine learning-based data transmission techniques, and millimeter wave transmission. WILab has been extensively funded via numerous sponsors from both government and industry, including the National Science Foundation, Verizon, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, MathWorks, Office of Naval Research, Toyota InfoTechnology Center USA, and the MITRE Corporation. For more details, please see the WILab website at http://www.Wireless.WPI.edu.
Electrical and Computer Engineering Courses by Area of Specialization and Delivery Mode
Course Title | Area of Specialization | Delivery Mode |
ECE 577. Machine Learning in Cybersecurity | Cybersecurity and Privacy | In-person and Online |
ECE 578. Cryptography And Data Cybersecurity | Cybersecurity and Privacy | In-person |
ECE 579. Physical Security of Microelectronic Systems | Cybersecurity and Privacy | In-person |
ECE 575. Blockchain & Crypto Currencies | Cybersecurity and Privacy | In-person and Online |
ECE 576. Applied Cryptography & Physical Attacks | Cybersecurity and Privacy | Online |
ECE 673. Advanced Cryptography | Cybersecurity and Privacy | In-person |
ECE 571. Machine Learning For Engineering Applications | Machine Learning | In-person and Online |
ECE 579X. On-device Deep Learning | Machine Learning | In-person |
ECE 505. Computer Architecture | Microelectronics | In-person and Online |
ECE 5204. Analog Circuits And Intuition | Microelectronics | Online |
ECE 524. Advanced Analog Integrated Circuit Design | Microelectronics | In-person and Online |
ECE 5722. Embedded Core Architectures And Core-based Design | Microelectronics | Online |
ECE 5723. Methodologies For System Level Design And Modeling | Microelectronics | Online |
ECE 5724. Digital Systems Testing And Testable Design | Microelectronics | Online |
ECE 574. Advanced Digital Systems Design | Microelectronics | In-person and Online |
ECE 523. Power Electronics | Power Systems Engineering | Online |
ECE 5500. Power System Analysis | Power Systems Engineering | Online |
ECE 5511. Transients In Power Systems | Power Systems Engineering | Online |
ECE 5512. Electromechanical Energy Conversion | Power Systems Engineering | Online |
ECE 5520. Power System Protection And Control | Power Systems Engineering | Online |
ECE 5521. Protective Relaying | Power Systems Engineering | Online |
ECE 5522. Advanced Applications In Protective Relaying | Power Systems Engineering | Online |
ECE 5523. Power System Dynamics | Power Systems Engineering | Online |
ECE 5530. Power Distribution | Power Systems Engineering | Online |
ECE 5531. Power System Operation And Planning | Power Systems Engineering | Online |
ECE 5532. Distributed And Renewable Power Generation | Power Systems Engineering | Online |
ECE 5540. Power Transmission | Power Systems Engineering | Online |
ECE 502. Probabilistic Signals and Systems | Signals Systems and Communications | In-person and Online |
ECE 503. Digital Signal Processing | Signals Systems and Communications | In-person and Online |
ECE 504. Analysis Of Deterministic Signals And Systems | Signals Systems and Communications | In-person and Online |
ECE 506. Introduction To Local And Wide Area Networks | Signals Systems and Communications | In-person and Online |
ECE 5105. Introduction To Antenna Design | Signals Systems and Communications | In-person and Online |
ECE 514. Fundamentals Of RF And MW Engineering | Signals Systems and Communications | In-person and Online |
ECE 5307. Wireless Access And Localization | Signals Systems and Communications | In-person |
ECE 531. Principles Of Detection And Estimation Theory | Signals Systems and Communications | In-person and Online |
ECE 5311. Information Theory And Coding | Signals Systems and Communications | In-person |
ECE 5312. Modern Digital Communications | Signals Systems and Communications | In-person and Online |
ECE 537. Advanced Computer And Communications Networks | Signals Systems and Communications | Online |
ECE 538. Wireless Information Networks | Signals Systems and Communications | In-person |
ECE 5341. Applied Medical Signal Analysis | Signals Systems and Communications | In-person |
ECE 545. Digital Image Processing | Signals Systems and Communications | In-person |
Certificate in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Certificate -
Certificates in Power Systems, Certificate -
M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Master of Science -
Master of Engineering in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Master of Engineering -
Master of Engineering in Power Systems Engineering, Master of Engineering -
Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ph.D.
CS 587/ECE 588: Cyber Security Capstone Experience
To reduce cyber security theory to practice, the capstone project has students apply security concepts to real-world problems. The capstone represents a substantial evaluation of the student’s cyber security experience. Students are encouraged to select projects with practical experience relevant to their career goals and personal development. In the capstone, students will propose a project idea in writing with concrete milestones, receive feedback, and pursue the proposal objectives. Since cyber security is a collaborative discipline, students are encouraged to work in teams.
This course is a degree requirement for the Professional Master’s in Cyber Security (PM-SEC) and may not be taken before completion of 21 credits in the program. Given its particular role, this course may not be used to satisfy degree requirements for a B.S., M.S., or Ph.D. degree in Computer Science or a minor in Computer Science. Students outside the PM-SEC program must get the instructor’s approval before taking this course for credit.
CS 673/ECE 673: Advanced Cryptography
This course provides deeper insight into areas of cryptography which are of great practical and theoretical importance. The three areas treated are detailed analysis and the implementation of cryptoalgorithms, advanced protocols, and modern attacks against cryptographic schemes. The first part of the lecture focuses on public key algorithms, in particular ElGamal, elliptic curves and Diffie-Hellman key exchange. The underlying theory of Galois fields will be introduced. Implementation of performance security aspects of the algorithms will be looked at. The second part of the course deals with advanced protocols. New schemes for authentication, identification and zero-knowledge proof will be introduced. Some complex protocols for real-world application— such as key distribution in networks and for smart cards—will be introduced and analyzed. The third part will look into state-of-the-art cryptoanalysis (i.e., ways to break cryptosystems). Brute force attacks based on special purpose machines, the baby-step giant-step and the Pohlig-Hellman algorithms will be discussed.
CS 578/ ECE 578 or equivalent background
DS/ECE 577: Machine Learning in Cybersecurity
Machine Learning has proven immensely effective in a diverse set of applications. This trend has reached a new high with the application of Deep Learning virtually in any application domain. This course studies the applications of Machine Learning in the sub domain of Cybersecurity by introducing a plethora of case studies including anomaly detection in networks and computing, side-channel analysis, user authentication and biometrics etc. These case studies are discussed in detail in class, and further examples of potential applications of Machine Learning techniques including Deep Learning are outlined. The course has a strong hands-on component, i.e. students are given datasets of specific security applications and are required to perform simulations.
ECE/DS 577: Machine Learning in Cybersecurity
Machine Learning has proven immensely effective in a diverse set of applications. This trend has reached a new high with the application of Deep Learning virtually in any application domain. This course studies the applications of Machine Learning in the sub domain of Cybersecurity by introducing a plethora of case studies including anomaly detection in networks and computing, side-channel analysis, user authentication and biometrics etc. These case studies are discussed in detail in class, and further examples of potential applications of Machine Learning techniques including Deep Learning are outlined. The course has a strong hands-on component, i.e. students are given datasets of specific security applications and are required to perform simulations.
ECE 502: Analysis of Probabilistic Signals and Systems
Undergraduate course in signals and systems
ECE 503: Digital Signal Processing
This course develops an in-depth understanding of discrete-time signals and systems including sampling and quantization of continuous time signals, implementation and design of discrete time systems and filters, as well as time-domain, frequency-domain, and transform-domain analysis. Other advanced topics to be introduced may include: sample-rate conversion, polyphase filters, power spectrum estimation, and discrete wavelet transforms.
An undergraduate course in digital signal processing (e.g., ECE 2312). Alternatively, students with a strong undergraduate background in complex variables and programming, combined with prior experience in continuous-time signals and systems can perform well in the course, with extra work.
ECE 504: Analysis of Deterministic Signals and Systems
Undergraduate course in signals and systems
ECE 505: Computer Architecture
Undergraduate course in logic circuits and microprocessor system design, as well as proficiency in assembly language and a structured high-level language such as C or Pascal
ECE 506: Introduction to Local and Wide Area Networks
familiarity to MATLAB programming is assumed. Background in undergraduate level courses in networking, probability, statistic, and signal processing
ECE 514: Fundamentals of RF and MW Engineering
This introductory course develops a comprehensive understanding of Maxwell’s field theory as applied to high-frequency radiation, propagation and circuit phenomena. Topics include radiofrequency (RF) and microwave (MW) propagation modes, transmission line aspects, Smith Chart, scattering parameter analysis, microwave filters, matching networks, power flow relations, unilateral and bilateral amplifier designs, stability analysis, oscillators circuits, mixers and microwave antennas for wireless communication systems.
Undergraduate course in electromagnetic field analysis
ECE 523: Power Electronics
ECE 3204 and undergraduate courses in modern signal theory and control theory; ECE 304 is recommended
ECE 524: Advanced Analog Integrated Circuit Design
Background in analog circuits both at the transistor and functional block [op-amp, comparator, etc.] level. Also familiarity with techniques such as small-signal modeling and analysis in the s-plane using Laplace transforms. Undergraduate course equivalent background ECE 3204; ECE 4902 helpful but not essential
ECE 531: Principles of Detection and Estimation Theory
ECE 502 and ECE 504 or equivalent
ECE 537/CS 577: Advanced Computer and Communications Networks
ECE 506/CS 513 and ECE 581/CS 533
ECE 538: Wireless Technologies and Applications
A preview of evolution of wireless information networking standards and technologies for personal, local and six generations of cellular networks, and the distinct role of Wi-Fi in this evolution.Radio Frequency (RF) cloud from wireless devices and embedded big data in them. Models for the behavior of features of RF signals from wireless devices: the Received Signal Strength (RSS), Time-of-Arrival (TOA), Direction of Arrival (DOA), Channel Impulse Response (CIR), and Channel State Information (CSI).Application of models for features of RF signal for design and performance evaluation of mainstream wireless communication technologies: Spread Spectrum, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) antenna systems, Ultra-Wideband (UWB) and millimeter wave (mmWave) technologies.RSS and TOA features of RF fingerprints of wireless devices for opportunistic positioning and tracking using Wi-Fi and cellular signals.Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms and RSS, CIR, and CSI fingerprints of wireless devices to motion and gesture detection, as well as authentication and security. The course is complemented with practical MATLAB oriented assignments, and multi-media supplements. Students will prepare a term paper throughout the course on a topic negotiated with the instructor.
ECE 539: Selected Topics in Communication Theory and Signal Processing
ECE 549: Selected Topics in Control
ECE 556/CS 556/DS 556: On-Device Deep Learning
Deep Learning, a core of modern Artificial Intelligence, is rapidly expanding to resourceconstrained devices, including smartphones, wearables, and intelligent embedded systems for improving response time, privacy, and reliability. This course focuses on bringing these powerful deep-learning applications from central data centers and large GPUs to distributed ubiquitous systems. On-Device Deep Learning is an interdisciplinary topic at the intersection of artificial intelligence and ubiquitous systems, dedicated to enabling computing on edge devices. This course includes a wide range of topics related to deep learning in resource constrained settings including pruning and sparsity, quantization, neural architecture search, knowledge distillation, on-device training and transfer learning, distributed training, gradient compression, federated learning, efficient data movement and accelerator design, dynamic network inference, and advanced compression and approximation techniques for enabling on-device deep neural network inference and training. This course provides a comprehensive foundation for cutting-edge “tinyML” expertise
The students should have an introductory undergraduate-level or graduate-level introductory background in machine learning and deep neural networks.
ECE 559: Selected Topics in Energy Systems
ECE 569: Selected Topics in Solid State
ECE 571: Machine Learning Engineering Applications
This is an introductory course for engineering students to gain basic knowledge of machine learning and its applications. This course's objective is to learn machine learning theory and then apply it in engineering practice. A major emphasis of the course is to foster the capability of combining multiple machine learning techniques in complex problem solving, such as the detection of deepfake media. Topics include supervised learning, linear regression, kernel methods, support vector machine, neural networks, unsupervised learning, clustering, principal component analysis, deep learning with convolutional neural networks, and reinforcement learning. Students will develop software to implement machine learning and deep learning algorithms for practical engineering applications.
Basic knowledge of probability and computer programming.
ECE 574: Advanced Digital System Design
This course introduces digital systems design using hardware description languages and their associated tooling to capture, integrate, verify, simulate, and synthesize digital hardware. The course will examine modern hardware design flows using high-level synthesis and register-transfer-level (RTL) synthesis. The course covers the role of hardware description languages in the verification, simulation, and integration process of hardware modules in large digital systems. The course projects offer an integrated experience in advanced digital systems design combining hardware description languages, hardware design methodologies, and hardware design practice on a programmable target such as a Field Programmable Gate Array, or on a chip-level target such as a standard-cell Application-Specific Integrated Circuit.
Basic digital design, experience with programming in a high-level language
ECE 575 : Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies
The introduction of cryptocurrencies has had significant financial, socioeconomic, and technological effects. This course introduces the technical aspects of blockchain technologies, consensus protocols and cryptocurrencies. The course emphasizes the engineering aspects of blockchain implementation towards efficiency, scalability, and security in practical blockchain designs. Students will learn the basics of blockchain systems to create cryptocurrencies. They will learn to identify the performance bottlenecks in blockchain systems and study new blockchain design proposals to learn how these bottlenecks are overcome. Further, the course will also cover the basics of Ethereum and smart contracts. Students will have the chance to learn programming smart contracts.
ECE 576: Applied Cryptography and Physical Attacks
In this course, we aim to study security and trust from the hardware perspective. The three main objectives of hardware security that we will cover are secure key generation and storage as well as secure execution. Specifically, we will learn how cryptographic algorithms can become susceptible to physical attacks and how this can be prevented. Topics to be covered in this course include basics of hardware security and its objectives; random number generation; physically unclonable functions; invasive and non-invasive attacks, e.g., side-channel analysis and fault injection; counterfeit detection; semiconductor IP (Intellectual Property) protection.
ECE 578/CS 578: Cryptography and Data Security
Working knowledge of C; an interest in discrete mathematics and algorithms is highly desirable. Students interested in a further study of the underlying mathematics may register for MA 4891 [B term], where topics in modern algebra relevant to cryptography will be treated
ECE 579: Selected Topics in Computer Engineering
ECE 581/CS 533: Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Network and Computer Systems
CS 504 or ECE 502, or equivalent background in probability
ECE 588/CS 587: Cyber Security Capstone Experience
To reduce cyber security theory to practice, the capstone project has students apply security concepts to real-world problems. The capstone represents a substantial evaluation of the student’s cyber security experience. Students are encouraged to select projects with practical experience relevant to their career goals and personal development. In the capstone, students will propose a project idea in writing with concrete milestones, receive feedback, and pursue the proposal objectives. Since cyber security is a collaborative discipline, students are encouraged to work in teams.
This course is a degree requirement for the Professional Master’s in Cyber Security (PM-SEC) and may not be taken before completion of 21 credits in the program. Given its particular role, this course may not be used to satisfy degree requirements for a B.S., M.S., or Ph.D. degree in Computer Science or a minor in Computer Science. Students outside the PM-SEC program must get the instructor’s approval before taking this course for credit.
ECE 596A and ECE 596B: Graduate Seminars
The presentations in the graduate seminar series will be of tutorial nature and will be presented by recognized experts in various fields of electrical and computer engineering. All full-time graduate students will be required to take both seminar courses, ECE 596A and ECE 596B, once during their graduate studies in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. The course will be given Pass/Fail.
Graduate standing
ECE 597: Independent Study
B.S. in ECE or equivalent
ECE 598: Directed Research
Graduate standing
ECE 599: Thesis
ECE 673/CS 673: Advanced Cryptography
This course provides deeper insight into areas of cryptography which are of great practical and theoretical importance. The three areas treated are detailed analysis and the implementation of cryptoalgorithms, advanced protocols, and modern attacks against cryptographic schemes. The first part of the lecture focuses on public key algorithms, in particular ElGamal, elliptic curves and Diffie-Hellman key exchange. The underlying theory of Galois fields will be introduced. Implementation of performance security aspects of the algorithms will be looked at. The second part of the course deals with advanced protocols. New schemes for authentication, identification and zero-knowledge proof will be introduced. Some complex protocols for real-world application— such as key distribution in networks and for smart cards—will be introduced and analyzed. The third part will look into state-of-the-art cryptoanalysis (i.e., ways to break cryptosystems). Brute force attacks based on special purpose machines, the baby-step giant-step and the Pohlig-Hellman algorithms will be discussed.
CS 578/ ECE 578 or equivalent background
ECE 699: Ph.D. Dissertation
ECE 5105: Introduction to Antenna Design
undergraduate analog electronics, college MATLAB, and basic introductory knowledge of electromagnetic theory -ECE 2019 and ECE 3113
ECE 5106: Modeling of Electromagnetic Fields in Electrical & Biological Systems
college MATLAB, differential and integral calculus
ECE 5204: Analog Circuits and Intuition
Undergraduate background in device physics, microelectronics, control systems, electromagnetism
ECE 5307: Indoor Geolocation Science and Technology
This course covers the fundamentals of the evolving wireless localization techniques and their relation with the wireless access infrastructures for Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science or other graduate students interested in this field. The course begins with an explanation of the common ground among wireless access and localization techniques which are principles of waveform transmission in multipath rich urban and indoor areas and the deployment of the infrastructure for wireless networks. This is followed by the fundamentals of received signal strength (RSS) and Time- and Angle-of-arrival (TOA/ AOA) based localization techniques, addressing applications, systems, effects of environment, performance bounds and algorithms. The course describes how wireless access methods used in wide, local and personal area networks are related to localization techniques using cellular, UWB, WiFi, and other signals of opportunity as well as mechanical sensors used in different smart phone and Robotic platforms. The emphasis on the effects of environment is on the analysis of the effects of multipath on precision of the localization techniques. The emphasis on performance evaluation is on the derivation of Cramer Rao Lower Bound (CRLB). For algorithms, the course describes fingerprinting algorithms used for RSS-based localization and super-resolution, cooperative localization, localization using multi-carrier transmission and localization using multipath diversity as well as Kalman and Particle filtering techniques used for model based localization. Examples of emerging technologies in Body Area Networking and Robotics applications are provided.
ECE 506, CS 513, or equivalent familiarity with local and wide area networks
ECE 5311: Information Theory and Coding
background in probability and random processes such as in ECE502 or equivalent
ECE 5312: Modern Digital Communications
An understanding of probability and random processes theory (ECE 502 or equivalent); an understanding of various analog and digital (de) modulation techniques (ECE 3311 or equivalent); familiarity with MAT-LAB programming.
ECE 5341: Applied Medical Signal Analysis
Undergraduate (or graduate) course in digital signal processing, experience with MATLAB and a course in probability
ECE 5500: Power System Analysis
Knowledge of circuit analysis, basic calculus and differential equations, elementary matrix analysis and basic computer programming
ECE 5510: Power Quality
ECE 5500 Power System Analysis. Also, this course presumes that the student has an understanding of basic electronics
ECE 5511: Transients in Power Systems
ECE 5500 Power System Analysis
ECE 5512: Electromechanical Energy Conversion
ECE 5520: Power System Protection and Control
ECE 5500 Power System Analysis
ECE 5521: Protective Relaying
ECE 5500 Power System Analysis or equivalent background experience is suggested. Familiarity with phasors, derivatives, transfer functions, poles and zeros, block diagram and the notion of feedback with basic understanding power system analysis or similar background is recommended.
ECE 5522: Advanced Applications in Protective Relaying
ECE 5521 Protective Relaying.
ECE 5523: Power System Dynamics
ECE 5500 Power System Analysis and ECE 5511 Transients in Power Systems or equivalent background experience is suggested. Familiarity with the basics of Laplace Transforms, derivatives, transfer functions, poles and zeros, block diagram and the notion of feedback with basic understanding power system analysis topics recommended
ECE 5530: Power Distribution
Prior courses in magnetism and three-phase circuits. An electric machines course would be recommended
ECE 5531: Power System Operation and Planning
ECE 5532: Distributed and Renewable Power Generation
Since the course material builds on power system analysis capabilities, including system protection and controls, ECE 5500 Power System Analysis and either ECE 5520 Power System Protection & Control or ECE 5521 Protective Relaying are required. Also, it is recommended that students take this course after completing ECE 5530 Power Distribution.
ECE 5540: Power Transmission
ECE 5500 Power System Analysis
ECE 5599: Capstone Project Experience in Power Systems
Since the Capstone Project will draw on knowledge obtained throughout the degree program, it is expected that the student will have completed most or all of the coursework within their plan of study before undertaking the capstone project
ECE 5720: Modeling and Synthesis of Digital Systems Using Verilog
Undergraduate knowledge of basic logic design concepts. ECE 574 may be substituted for ECE 5720. Students may not receive credit for both ECE 574 and ECE 5720). For students not having the necessary background, online videos will be made available to cover the prerequisites.
ECE 5722: Embedded Core Architectures and Core-Based Design
Familiarity with C programming, Undergraduate knowledge of basic logic design concepts, familiarity with a hardware description language). Note: For students not having the necessary background, online videos will be made available to cover the prerequisites.
ECE 5723: Methodologies for System Level Design and Modeling
ECE 5724: Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design
Understanding digital systems and design of combinational and sequential circuits, Understanding a hardware description language (VHDL or Verilog) and the use of these languages for simulation and synthesis